Library Services

 Library provides the following services to support the teaching and research work:

o   Lending of Reading Materials

o   Reference and Information Services

o   InterLibrary Loan Service (ILL)

o   Photocopy Service

o   Book Bank Service

o   Membership of INFLIBNET: Every user is requested to contact the library staff for getting access to INFLIBNET.

Additional services

 Newspaper Clippings: Maintenance of college newspaper clippings and update the faculty members about day-to-day college activities through e-mail.

 Braille Corner One of the special and much appreciated features of the library is its Braille corner for the special students. Two Perkins Braillers and two computer with Braille software (JAWS) have been put on service. One PLEX talk PTR 2 Professional Daisy recording system and one PLEX talk PTN 2Daisy CD Player has also been purchased.

Record of pending PU degresss of college students since 1958 goes online  Data regarding all the pending P.U. degrees of the college students since 1958 is online. Now any college student can know the availability his degree online through college website  As of now, 1900 pending degrees are lying with the college library.

 College Magazine “The Vikas” on college website  To let the college alumni relive their old days at college, college magazine “The Vikas” from 1954 to 2014-15 and onwards has been digitized and uploaded on college website. The articles given by students in college magazine can now be seen by all on college website.

Book Bank Facility  Library has more than 5000 books in its book bank. These books are either gifted by some agencies or faculty /students. The Book Bank facility is being provided to the Economically Weaker Section students where the students are provided with the books related to their subjects .

Over Night Issue of Reference Material Reference / Latest text books & CD’s are issued to the students on every Saturday and on the day before a holiday.

Free Books and Stationery to SC/St Students Every year free books and stationery is dispersed among 300 students (250 Arts & Commerce students and 50 science students) as and when the grant is received. 


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